Monday, June 15, 2009

to pedicure or not to pedicure

My kids want me to get a pedicure before our trip. I am a cheapie and don't want to spend the $20 it would cost. So I am thinking it over. Ill let you know whether I end up spending the money for a pedicure or not.

Yesterday our pastor spoke about being a mission-based church, and how the small decisions we make each day can affect the lives of people living in povety. He spoke specifically about buying a pack of gum for $1.49 when that same $1.49 could feed a child in Africa for an entire day. So I feel as thoughI could use that $20 to do God's work instead of make my flat feet look more presentable.

Anyway, today is it....the last day before we leave. We have lots of things to do...specifically I have to find some sort of adaptor that will allow me to download pictures from my SD camera card into my laptop so I can post them on this blog.....wish me luck, as I am computer-challenged and a total techno-illiterate.

1 comment:

  1. Why don't you give yourself a quick pedicure before you go, then everyone will be happy.

    Have a wonderful time. I'll be thinking of you and your family. Can't wait for the updates.
